From: Subject: Acorn news release: Education Directory Date: 20 Jan 93 08:43:02 GMT Acorn's Education Directory: Now on CD ROM Embargo Release Date 20th January 1993 Acorn Computers is releasing the fourth edition of its Education Directory at the BETT'93 exhibition at Olympia. Not only is there a new page lay-out with over 2,000 educational titles listed, but customers will also be able to register for their own CD ROM version of the directory. The printed version, which will be available to all visitors at BETT, has been reformatted from the earlier editions and now has details of all the educational software which runs on 32-bit Archimedes computers listed separately from the older 8-bit programs, written for the BBC B and Master 128 machines. The 32-bit section also contains a full description of the products together with details of the software houses and the prices of the software. At the back, there is a complete index of companies listed, together with an index of the products featured. Icons are used throughout the main body of the text to indicate memory requirements, availability of the products and their compatibility with the latest RISC OS 3 operating system. Delegates to BETT will also be able to apply for a CD ROM version of the Education Directory. This will allow the user to browse through the data files, searching for key words or companies or particular types of software. By keying buttons on the display the user is transported to linked pages of information which may contain screen shots, demonstration versions of the software, or further information on particular packages. Acorn's Education Marketing Manager, Ashley Oliver said that if the CD ROM version proves popular it is likely in the future to be updated on a regular basis throughout the year. "There will still be a place for the printed directory" he affirmed, "but as the use of Acorn CD ROM systems is becoming increasingly widespread in schools I think it likely that demand for the CD ROM version will grow dramatically. "The search facilities provided on the CD allow the user to look for specific packages suitable for defined groups of users. Being able to link the entries to further information pages will offer immediate access to a wealth of information that it is simply not practicable to include in the printed version of the directory. " he said. It is envisaged that the CD ROM version of the Directory will be available early in February. ENDS Further information from Ashley Oliver, Acorn Computers Limited, Tel 0223 254254